BrightBirth Academy


Lesson 1: You Are In Control


24 min. Congratulations, you’re getting so close to holding your sweet baby! Taking a birth class is a great way to prepare for the labor and delivery you’ll soon be experiencing. When it comes to your child’s birth, you are in control. It will affect your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. For this reason, you’ll want to give careful thought to planning your birth. This first course will discuss the BrightBirth plan, labor expectations, and finish up by talking about your support team. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics include: Childbirth, Labor, Delivery, Hospital, Birthing Center, Doctor, Nurse Midwife, Certified Midwife, Insurance, Support People, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 2: Your Body & Birth


24 min. SENSITIVE MATERIAL Your body was designed to give birth. In lesson two, you’ll learn how your anatomy works with hormones to move your baby from your uterus, through the birth canal, and into your arms. This happens in four stages, called the stages of labor. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics include: Reproductive system, Hormones, Signs of Labor, Stages of Labor, Uterus, Amniotic Sac, Placenta, Pelvis, Vagina, Braxton Hicks Contractions, Preterm Labor, Lightening, Mucus Plug, Water Breaking, Lower Back Pain, Early Phase, Active phase, Transition phase, Pushing, Postpartum, Apgar Score, Oxytocin, Melatonin, Adrenaline, Room Environment, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 3: Pain & Natural Birth


33 min. Doesn’t natural birth hurt?! Well, the honest answer is “Yes,” but labor pain is much different than the pain of breaking a bone or stubbing your toe. Labor pain is valuable and works to notify your body to release hormones that move labor along. This lesson will look at pain, the benefits of natural birth, and the various ways to relieve pain naturally. This information will help you consider if a natural birth is for you. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics Include: Natural Birth, Cervix, Pelvis, Labor, Contractions, P.A.I.N., Relaxation, Rhythm, Ritual, The Gate Theory, Support People, Comfort Techniques, Coping Techniques, Focused Breathing, Deep Breathing, Focal Point, Visualization, Massage, Counterpressure, Double Hip Squeeze, Sifting, Positions, Birth Ball, Birth Peanut, Slow Dancing, Squatting, Hydrotherapy, Room Environment, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 4: B.R.A.I.N. & Decision Making


16 min. You may be faced with difficult decisions during birth. Labor may not be progressing as quickly as your doctor would like. Or what do you do if pain medicine is offered that wasn’t part of your birth plan? What if your doctor recommends a cesarean? Making important decisions is tough, and having the right tool to help you do it is important. Cue the B.R.A.I.N. method. This five-part decision-making tool will help you narrow down the information you need during labor to make the best well-informed decision for you and your baby. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics Include: B.R.A.I.N., Benefits, Risks, Alternatives, Intuition, No or Not now, Asking Questions, Labor, Delivery, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 5: Medical Pain Relief, Interventions, and Procedures


20 min. An unmedicated birth may not be for every mom, or you might change your mind as labor progresses. Even if you plan for an all-natural birth, some medical situations may come up that need to be addressed. This lesson will cover the various medical pain relief options—from taking the edge off to removing most of the pain, and the various medical interventions and procedures you might encounter during labor. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics Include: Medical Pain Relief, Interventions, Procedures, Labor, Delivery, Epidural, Pitocin, IV Insertion, Group B Strep, Hydration, Oxygen, Monitoring, Sweeping Membranes, Prostaglandins, Foley Catheter, Breaking Water, Episiotomy, Forceps, Vacuum, Narcotics, Nitrous Oxide, Acupuncture, Sterile Water Injections, Managing Pain, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 6: Planning for Birth


13 min. The best way to help your labor go the way you would like is by coming up with a birth plan. Your birth plan will help inform the nurses, doctors, and support people of your wishes during and after birth. This lesson will discuss several things you should consider when writing your birth plan, such as how you wish to manage pain, delayed cord clamping, skin-to-skin contact after birth, and so much more. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics Include: Labor, Delivery, Birth, Birth Plan, Support People, Pain Medication Preference Scale, Postpartum, Baby Bath, Breastfeeding, Vitamin K shot, Antibiotic Eye Ointment, Circumcision, Placenta Delivery, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021




Lesson 7: Postpartum


14 min. Congratulations! Your baby is born! At least hypothetically. This final session will instruct you on the postpartum period (after birth). You’ll learn what to expect in the hospital or birthing center in the hours and days following birth, and what you can expect in the first few weeks at home. Real moms also offer tips and share about the things they wish they had done differently or had known about after labor and delivery. You’ll finish this class feeling excited and ready to meet your baby and be empowered to have the best birth possible. Purchase optional Facilitator Guides and Participants Workbooks here. Topics Include: Postpartum, Feeding, Skin to Skin, Breast Crawl, Blood Sugar Level, Genetic Screening, Hearing Screening, PKU Screening, Jaundice Screening, Monitoring, Lochia, Fluctuating Emotions, Postpartum Depression, Postpartum Anxiety, Taking Baby Home, BrightBirth Closed Captions: English/Spanish ©2021

